Cat Scan equipment innovations have provided doctors and nurses with effective ways of treating injuries, and diagnosing patients with conditions like never before. This technology includes the need for chilled process water. That is where WPI enters into the picture. Whaley can provide medical professionals with many types of chiller systems for their CT machines. Small Portable chillers are normally the solution, however, split chillers, modular chillers, packaged chillers, closed loop chillers, glycol chillers, and once through cooling is all available.
CT Manufacturer List:
RDS-111 Cyclotron
RDS Cyclotron
CTI Cyclotron
Elekta Linear Accelerators
Horizon 1.0 and 1.5T MRI
Singna Horizon MRI
Altaire Open MRI
Echelon 1.5T MRI
Panorama .6T Open MRI
Panorama .23T Open MRI
Intera Pulsar, Enterprise, Achieva 1.5T Pulsar MRI’s
Oncor Impression Linear Accelerator System
Mevatron M Linear Accelerator
Mevatron M Class Linear Accelerator System
Biograph System
Sensation 16, 40,64 and Open CT Systems
Sensation 16, 40 and 64 Systems
Mevatron K Class Equipment
Oncor Impression Plus Linear Accelerator
Mevatron Primus Equipment
Mevatron Primus Linear Accelerator
Open MRI
Harmony or Symphony MRI
Intera Achieva 3.0T Quasar Dual MRI
Intera Achieva 3.0T Quasar Dual MRI
Magnetom Sonata, Magnetom Symphony w/Quantum Gradients, Magnetom Harmony or Symphony and Somotom Plus Four of Volume Zoom
Mevatron Primus and Mevatron M and Mevatron K Equipment in combination
Magnetom Avanto or Trio MRI
Clinac 600C + 6EX
CHILLED WATER HEAT EXCHANGER & CONTROL PANEL for High Energy Varian Clinacs (7.5CL) 2100C/D, 2300C/D, 21EX, 23EX, Trilogy & Navalis Tx
CHILLER For High Energy Varian Clinacs (7.5cl) 2100C/D, 2300C/D, 21EX, 23EX, iX, Trilogy & Novalis Tx
COMBINATION CHILLER For High Energy Varian Clinacs (1) 2100 C/D and LOW ENERGY Clinacs (1) 600 C
CHILLER For High Energy Varian Clinacs (7.5cl) 2100C/D, 2300C/D, 21EX, 23EX, iX, Trilogy & Novalis Tx
![]() Packaged Chillers Non-expandable (integrated pump tank) 1.5Ton – 20Ton Single / Dual Circuits Single / Dual Pumps |
![]() SAE Series Modular Chillers Expandable (pump & tank on separate skid) 1.5Ton – 200Ton Single / Dual Circuits |
![]() SAR Series Split Chillers Expandable (Outdoor Condensing Unit) (pump, tank, evaporator on indoor skid) 1.5Ton – 200Ton Single / Dual Circuits |